The Belief Session and strategic consulting

In marketing, communication is paramount. And while brands know they should have a strategy behind their communications, they’re often left wondering what it is they should communicate.

At Belief Agency, we base that communication on truth—on what we call your belief. Not only is your belief your most powerful differentiation in the market, it brings clarity about what (and when and where and to whom) to communicate.

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what is a
belief session?

When you know what you believe, you know what to do

The Belief Session® is a core messaging workshop designed to uncover and articulate the shared belief, purpose, and values of your organization. In uncovering your truth, we help create alignment—internally among employees as well as externally with your customers. Uncovering and articulating these fundamental elements ensures everyone in the company is working upon the same foundation—and more importantly, heading in the same direction, inciting new energy for the future, and aligning the organization’s communicators around a true shared narrative.

“With Belief Agency, it’s all about truth: finding what makes your company tick and how that resonates inside and outside of your company. The Belief Session is emotional archaeology. Simple, profound questions scrape and brush off the superfluous, exposing the elusive ‘why.’”

What happens in a Belief Session?

You know it’s a “core messaging workshop.” But what does that really mean?

Belief Session | What is your Story | Belief Agency
Before the pens are uncapped and the workshop even begins, we start working, studying your company’s history, poring over historical documents, and beginning to look for clues about what’s driving your organization.
The workshop
During the half-day workshop, the facilitators guide participants through a proprietary, interactive method that surfaces the organization’s belief, purpose, and values. The facilitators are constantly analyzing the information, looking for common threads, and organizing around themes. We narrow as the session goes on, articulating emerging frameworks and ideas and culling the tangents until what’s left is what’s central to the brand.
After the workshop
Now what? The workshop results in an executive summary that reflects your belief, purpose, and values, along with a manifesto that captures the spirit of your brand and becomes the foundation of your brand story.
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